Round 1 of the UKASC 2016 closed yesterday. The quality of the entries in this year’s competition is very high and there is a wide variety of attractive scapes. The competition has grown since its inception last year and Round 2, the live scape off on Saturday 15th October, at J&K Aquatics in North Petherton, Somerset, will have 10 scapers, is open to the general public and there are more sponsors.
This year’s sponsors are Eheim, Tetra, Dennerle, Ciano, Clear-Seal, Reeflowers, AquaDeco & Arcadia. There are some great prizes to be won, with all 10 scapers in the live scape off keeping their creations including the Clear-Seal Edgeline and the third and second placed scapers on the day winning a Ciano Emotions Nature Pro aquarium, cash and sponsor goodies and the UK Aquascaping Champion 2016 winning an £850 bespoke Clear-Seal Edgeline, £250 cash and sponsor goodies.
The entrants which have made it through to Round 2, the Live Scape Off will be announced in early September.
The live scape off will be a day full of aquascaping with seminars and workshops and sponsor stands. Please click here to find out more information.