The competition was sponsored by Dennerle, Arcadia, Tetra, Eheim & J&K Aquatics. In the first round, Antoni came first to win £500 cash, an Arcadia OTL LED (ce100f), Eheim Ecco Pro 3 2075 & Tetra goodies, trophy & certificate. Stephen Rhodes came second to win £350, Arcadia OTL LED (ce60f), Eheim Ecco Pro 300 & Tetra goodies & certificate and Manuel Arias came third to win a £200, an Eheim Ecco Pro 200, Tetra goodies and a certificate. In the final, all of the finalists got to keep their creations including the 50L Dennerle Scapers Tank and Antoni won a £150 cash prize.

The contest was a resounding success and the source of much interest at Aqua. The UK Aquascaping Championship will take place during Autumn next year and entries will open early in 2016.

Thank you to all entrants who entered, finalists who scaped in the scape off, judges for judging the first round, UK Aquascaper, Alastair Treimayne for supporting the competiton and sponsors Dennerle, Arcadia, Eheim & J&K Aquatics for their generous sponsorship of the competition.